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Taro's Origami Studio

6 inch, 100 Sheets, Single Side 23 Colors Including Gold and Silver

6 inch, 100 Sheets, Single Side 23 Colors Including Gold and Silver

Regular price $13.34 CAD
Regular price $13.34 CAD Sale price $13.34 CAD
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This is a great economy pack of standard 6-inch (15-cm) kami paper.

The go-to for all origami folders; this paper is colorful, thin, and resilient. Perfect for all types of origami. This paper is an authentic Japanese origami papers and comes in a variety of colors and is dyed on side, white on the back.

If you wish to practice origami, this is a great stock of origami paper so that you can always find the right paper for whatever origami project you have.
Number of colors and sheets in this pack: 23 colors, 100 sheets in total
Sample Origami Models in the Beginner Level
Most of the following models are found in the book Easy Origami?and can be folded using Taro's Origami Paper "Standard" single-sided color origami paper.

Sample Origami Models in Intermediate Level
The following models are taught in the mid-range kyu of Taro's Origami Method and can be folded using?Taro's Origami Paper "Standard" single-sided color origami paper.
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